Introducing ... SiteHive Hexanode Vibration

SiteHive Hexanode Vibration is a ground-breaking new device that transforms how vibration is managed. It's the new addition to the award-winning SiteHive Hexanode family.


Managing vibration is often seen as difficult and shrouded in mystery.
SiteHive Hexanode Vibration takes away the complexity, making things clear and simple on every level.

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A new standard

SiteHive Hexanode Vibration does it all

Small, compact and robust

SiteHive Hexanode Vibration devices can be installed quickly and easily, in a wide range of configurations and any orientation.

Multiple measurements in one device

The SiteHive Hexanode Vibration takes multiple measurements simultaneously, in accordance with relevant international standards, and sends data 24/7.

Rich contextual data

With detailed waveforms of events on site, supported by AI classified images and audio captured by SiteHive Hexanode Noise or Multi, you can see and hear what’s happening on your site from wherever you are.

Learn more with the SiteHive team

We are running short online overview sessions, where we showcase the key design, development and innovation features of SiteHive Hexanode Vibration. Let us know if you're interested in attending and we'll contact you with the details.

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"Our enviros say that this is a game changer."

Gina North, Laing O'Rourke

"I'm excited about the SiteHive Hexanode Vibration as now I can get my noise, vibration and air quality data all in one spot."

Mitch Jones, McConnell Dowell

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Identify the cause of vibration

With detailed waveforms of events on site, supported by AI classified images and audio captured by SiteHive Hexanode Noise or Multi devices, you can see and hear what’s happening on your site from wherever you are.

vib media images audio

High accuracy, low costs

The SiteHive Hexanode Vibration delivers three types of high precision data - all tested by the NMI - for one low subscription price.

Structural vibration

The SiteHive Hexanode Vibration calculates peak particle velocities to measure structural and cosmetic damage in accordance with DIN 4150-2, BS 5228.

Human comfort

Vibration Dose Values are calculated to quantify vibration affecting human comfort as stated in BS 6472. Results are measured against guidelines set in DIN 4150-3, BS 7385-2.

Ground-borne noise

The SiteHive Hexanode Vibration weights vibration measurements to calculate ground-borne noise with greater efficacy and less cost than traditional methods.

See how easy vibration can be

Contact us now

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