SiteHive vibration monitoring devices and software

SiteHive software and devices make it easy to see and manage what's causing vibration. Get the information you need to identify vibration events, report easily, comply with regulations and keep stakeholders informed.

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Small, robust, easy

SiteHive Hexanode Vibration makes things easy. The palm-sized device is robust and automated, so it can be used anywhere. One device delivers all vibration data for structural and human comfort vibration, as well as ground-borne noise. It provides continuous real-time data plus rich contextual waveforms of events. Deploy with other SiteHive Hexanode devices to get images and audio of site events too.

Time-saving software

SiteHive Enviro brings all vibration information to your fingertips in graphical formats that make it easy to see what's happening. Control everything from one dashboard, report instantly and be alerted to events. With SiteHive Enviro you can manage vibration proactively to comply with requirements and keep communities happy.


Quick and easy reporting

Instant PDF reports

Generate elegant PDF reports instantly, with site-specific configurations saved for next use.

Statistics and analysis

Calculate key stats including Vibration Dose Values at the click of a button, and understand key stats and trends across time.

Share data with stakeholders

Configure and share a link to a curated view of your site for stakeholders and teams.

Manage vibration in the field

The SiteHive Attended App allows field measurements to be captured, analysed and reported instantly - from wherever you are.

All your vibration measurements in one place

Attended vibration measurements are instantly documented and available in SiteHive Enviro Pro.

Add thresholds, images and weather data

Each measurement can note background and predicted levels, and pictures taken on site can be attached easily.

Analysis and reporting

Compare data trends over time, and between locations. Generate PDF reports as soon as data is collected on site.

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Active across industry

SiteHive is active in the acoustics industry, as a sustaining member of the Australian Acoustical Society. We have published a range of peer-reviewed papers on our innovative technologies, presented at international conferences.

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“We can have all information - dust, noise and vibration - in one platform. This makes it much easier - it’s all right there.”

Charlotte Ridley, Environmental Coordinator


Find out more

See how easy it is with SiteHive on your project

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