SiteHive Enviro Pro

Take your environmental management to the next level, with features like the Audio Classifier, event management, attended monitoring, stakeholder views and advanced reporting.


SiteHive Enviro Pro has all the same great functionality as SiteHive Enviro, plus extra features:

Audio Classifier

AI-powered technology automatically identifies noises.


A full system of record to investigate and explain events.


The SiteHive Attended App captures field data.


Share a view of site data with relevant stakeholders.


Advanced configurations and report types.


Connect your own devices - noise, dust, vibration and water.

Harness AI to boost your noise monitoring efficiency.

Our AI-powered Audio Classifier lends an attentive ear to your site 24/7. It identifies the source of your site’s noises in real time. No more listening to every single audio file, you can see immediately what noise is caused by construction work and what’s not.


Avoid the time-consuming task of manually listening to audio files.

Trend analysis

Quickly identify trends in noise events throughout the day.

Noise contribution analysis

Understand the contribution of site works to overall noise levels.

Automated reporting

Simplify compliance reporting with automated explanations for noise events.

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Take control of events

With SiteHive Enviro Pro you can investigate and explain onsite events easily, in real time.

Investigate and explain

Detailed images, mapping and AI-classified audio allow easy identification of causes, saving you time.

Audit ready

Maintain a comprehensive system of record, showcasing a full history of site events and explanations.

Quick and easy reporting

All explanations and categories are carried through into your reports, speeding up your reporting significantly.

Attended measurements

The SiteHive Attended App allows onsite measurements to be captured, analysed and reported instantly. Record field measurements for water, noise, dust, vibration and odour. Add contextual images and weather data. Report on trends over time and between locations.

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Keep stakeholders informed

With SiteHive Enviro Pro you can build trust and keep everyone informed by sharing live data. A Stakeholder View lets you choose which data you want to share, and makes it easy to keep teams, contractors, clients and communities informed.

Quick and easy reporting

Instant PDF reports

Generate elegant PDF reports instantly, with site-specific configurations saved for next use.

Statistics and analysis

Calculate background levels at the click of a button, and understand key stats and trends across time.

Share with stakeholders

Configure and share a link to a curated view of your site for stakeholders and teams.

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Integrate your devices

With SiteHive Enviro Pro you can connect existing noise, dust, vibration and water quality devices to get the benefits of software across all your data.

Noise, dust and vibration

Connect your existing devices via SFTP or API to complement your SiteHive Hexanodes on site.

Surface water quality

Manage surface water management in real time via both your in-stream devices and attended measurements.

Weather stations

Connect your on-site weather stations across your site to get local weather conditions.

"SiteHive just makes our lives so much easier. It’s super, super easy to manage."

Shara Robertson, West Gate Tunnel Project


Find out more

See how easy it is with SiteHive on your project

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